I bought the Elements 10 and didn't like it and was dumb enough to buy the Elements 2020 thinking it may have been improved. I used Elements 6 for years and enjoyed it. You have more control over your edits. I can't even get the crop tool to work in these latest versions. I can't get the disk to install the 6 and of course Adobe won't help. I would do a trial version before purchasing these later versions, especially if have used Elements 6 and before. I read some of the other comments. I haven't had any issues with the Elements 6.
Joyce, i have a new computer, and I am not able to install my Elements 6 disk, I love the old one.
Thank you, tell me this before I bought another one.
I loved the MUCH earlier versions, too. After 7, they were no longer worth using. As Joyce said, total lack of control! Cost too much these days for such little abilities.
I wouldn't exactly call myself impressed of this Photoshop, but it's manageable and easier to use than other Photoshop versions. I wish that upgrades would be free, though, and that the wide range of glitches in PSE will be fixed.
Please i have the same problem(error message:- "setup could not detect any dell webcam central on your system") installing this software on my Dell Studio laptop please can anybody help us out? your advice will be highly appreciated. Thanks
Thank you, tell me this before I bought another one.
I loved the MUCH earlier versions, too. After 7, they were no longer worth using. As Joyce said, total lack of control! Cost too much these days for such little abilities.
Awesome I say....
Is for 5.0.
It is awesome........